It’s in your nature: Our hardiest flycatcher
For a few years after my grandmother passed away, I was “in charge” of mowing the lawn, orchard area, etc. at the Bycosky homestead. The barn was sheathed in chestnut boards as was the old corn crib and chicken coop. (The barn still stands today) Besides hosting dozens of paper wasp nests and a few yellow jackets, the barn and abandoned chicken coop offered nesting sites for barn swallows and always an Eastern phoebe nest or two.
The Eastern phoebe, about 7 inches in size, (size of bluebird) is a type of flycatcher. Flycatchers dart from a perch to grab a “bug,” while swallows course back and forth across fields or bodies of water catching insects on the wing.
Phoebes are the flycatcher species that best tolerates man. In fact they often nest under the eaves of cabins, or a seldom used back porch. A phoebe pair at the homestead usually nested under “Grandma’s” front porch or just inside the chicken coop’s unscreened window. In those 10 years, I found at least one pair nesting there. I know that they don’t live that long so I’m sure the offspring returned to their place of birth.
Phoebes also nest under bridges, especially those that traverse small streams. There they can find plenty of insects and the moss they use for their nests. I visit three or four Times News area bridges every spring knowing I’ll find them there again and again.
Phoebes, as a flycatcher species, do just that; catch insects. They like to perch on a fence, fence post, or short sapling to wait until a moth or other flying insect appears. They fly out, grab the “bug” and return to the perch to eat. They often use that same perch for an hour or more. The reason I chose this column title is because the phoebes are our first flycatcher species to return in spring, often as early as the last few days of March. They are adaptable. A few times when we’ve had April snowfalls, I would find a small group of phoebes perched near a small stream catching the few insects that were emerging there, while a few inches of snow was covering the stream banks.
In October, when the other flycatcher species have already returned to the tropics, many phoebes still “tough it out” till freezing temps kill most of the insects. I’m often entertained by a few phoebes feeding close by when I climb a tree with my camera while enjoying the falling leaves and any wildlife that ventures my way. I’ve seen them as late as Oct. 24.
Like many flycatcher species, they are a rather dull gray in color and hard to distinguish from their cousins, but hopefully their repeated Fee Bee, Fee Bee call, and distinctive slow up and down tail action will help you identify them. Remember, to see and enjoy their song and feeding, you need to get out there.
Test Your Outdoor Knowledge: Not only does the stretch of 90 degrees bother me, but some local reptiles (turtles) will escape the hot sun and oppressive heat by burying into soft soil or the mud of a pond. This summer dormancy is called: A. relaxation, B. suspension, C. hibernation, D. estivation.
Last Week’s Trivia Answer: The “touch me not” gets its nickname because, after ripening, the seed pods burst open when touched, expelling the seeds.
Contact Barry Reed at