Published July 16. 2022 09:07AM
Carbon County is looking at an HVAC system replacement as part of a larger roof project at its administration building.
On Thursday, the commissioners voted 2-0 to accept a proposal from Snyder Hoffman Associates Inc. of Bethlehem for mechanical and electrical engineering services for the rooftop unit replacement at the administration building in the amount of $7,200. Commissioners’ Chairman Wayne Nothstein was absent.
Commissioner Rocky Ahner said this will be a dual project like the county completed at the prison with the roof and HVAC unit.
The current HVAC unit for the administration building is nearly 20 years old and has been having problems for some time.
“I think it’s getting to the point that it’s overextending its life,” he said.
Ahner said that he hopes this replacement will allow the county to upgrade the system as needed and save money on it long term.
“It’s one of those things we got to start watching where our money is going,” he said.
Further details on the roof renovation has not been announced yet.
The roof renovation project will go out to bid later this year with the projects slated to start next June.