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First Palmerton Day brings music, fun to park

“This is what Palmerton Day is all about: having fun and enjoying yourselves.”

Palmerton Mayor Don Herrmann welcomed everyone to the first official Palmerton Day, held Sunday at the Palmerton Borough Park.

“Palmerton, as you know, is a great place to live,” Herrmann said.

“We have a beautiful park, a beautiful pool, a great library; but, more important, we have beautiful people. People are what make Palmerton great. We all love our little town and the businesses that support it; however, volunteers and people, as you know, are the heartbeat of Palmerton.”

Herrmann also introduced Delina Rodrigues and Matthew Anthony, both of Palmerton, who have won several medals in the Special Olympics program.

Music was provided in the recently renovated band shell. First, students from Off the Charts Music School of Palmerton sang. Later, Ricki & Friends took the stage; and, in the evening, the Palmerton Band entertained, sponsored by the Concourse Club.

The afternoon featured plenty of activities for young and old alike. Kandiss Schrader of Kandi’s Karicatures and Kanvases was very busy with face painting. The Palmerton Library had a tent for kids to color pictures and to get information on the library and sign up for a library card.

The Palmerton Historical Society featured a Big Toy display by Bob Swaim, who had a collection of some of his unusual bicycles, including his seven-passenger bike that he used to give rides throughout the park. People could take a selfie with a special large photograph of old-time Palmerton provided by Photographer Lynn Shupp.

A variety of emergency vehicles from Palmerton, Aquashicola, and Bowmanstown were on display on Fourth Street, and police held a free car seat check.

A Duck Race for the kids was held in the creek the runs through the park.

The Palmerton Fire Company helped run a lot of extra water in the creek to bring the water levels up, then numbered plastic ducks were released. Gift cards to Claude’s Creamery were given to the winners.

The idea of Palmerton Day was a suggestion by Joe Federanich and the Palmerton Bandstand Committee after renovations had been completed to the band shell in the park. The idea was to have families come out and enjoy the park and music in the band shell, all to be provided free. It was originally scheduled last August, but was canceled due to bad weather. They are hoping to make it an annual event.

“We’ll see how it goes today,” Herrmann said.

“I just think it’s good to have everybody come out. It’s a beautiful day to come out and have a great time.”

Kandiss Schrader of Kandi's Karicatures and Kanvases paints a design on the face of Ally Herrmann. JIM LOGUE/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Joe Federanich watches as Palmerton Mayor Don Herrmann tries one of Bob Swaim's bicycles at Palmerton Day in the Borough Park. JIM LOGUE/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS