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Council tables request to vacate street

Palmerton Borough Council on Thursday tabled a request from a couple to vacate a borough street.

Council made the decision after a roughly 20-minute executive session following a public hearing on a petition filed by Ryan and Valerie Heimbach to vacate First Street.

Ryan Heimbach said the couple owns two lots, one on either side of First Street, that have been vacant for decades from Harvard Avenue to Alley L.

Heimbach said there would be no impact to property owners, and that the couple may possibly look to build another home down the road for their children.

He reiterated that they were looking to vacate First Street from Harvard Avenue to Alley L.

However, council President Terry Costenbader expressed reservations.

“My only problem with giving you access to that First Street parcel is everything that’s developable in this community is west of you,” Costenbader said. “That happened (in the past) to us before. I’m reluctant to do that.”

After tabling the matter, council said it needs to talk to the borough engineer to get more information on that particular piece of property.