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Time capsule burial taking place at Fighter’s Heaven

The first of many events to be hosted at Fighter’s Heaven this season, will be held, Saturday, June 4, starting at 11 a.m. A time capsule burial featuring artifacts that have been donated to the former training camp of Muhammad Ali will be featured during this event.

In 2019, Fighter’s Heaven was awarded a “Community Initiative Award” by The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office. The award consisted of a special Heritage Time Capsule which is being filled with stories and memorabilia related to Ali’s old training camp.

The Community Initiative Awards recognize the hard work and dedication of outstanding organizations, municipalities, agencies and individuals whose work embodies the theme of Pennsylvania’s statewide historic preservation plan. Recipients have demonstrated the value of preserving iconic places and community landmarks through their ownership and stewardship.

Later this season, Fighter’s Heaven will erect a Pennsylvania Historical monument recognizing this one-tine venue as a place to visit in the Keystone State.