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Nesquehoning VFW Auxiliary meets

The regular monthly meeting of the VFW Auxiliary to Nesquehoning Memorial Post 8008 was held on Sept. 14, at the Post home with President Christa Kattner presiding. District 20 President Guyette Callas, of Tobyhanna Post 509, was introduced and welcomed.

General orders 2 were read and filed for action. Family Promise sent a thank you for a recent donation.

There are new membership applications and cancer grant forms.

Panther Valley has received information on the Voice of Democracy, Patriot’s Pen and Patriotic Art programs.

A bloodmobile visit was recently held, 54 cards were sent and 145 hours of community service were recorded by members present. Under membership, 51 of 67 dues have been paid for 2019. Dues are payable until Dec. 15 and can be done by members under MALTA; sign in to vfwauxiliary.org, create your account using your membership number and follow the steps to pay your dues.

Kattner and District Commander Rick Ellis attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Panther Valley Elementary School for the new playground. Their picture can be viewed on the Department of Pennsylvania Facebook page.

Boscov’s coupons are still available from members; Tommy’s sheets were also turned in.

The Auxiliary will be celebrating its 70-year anniversary on Feb. 16, 2019. A commemoration will be planned, details to follow. A new flag will be ordered. District President Calles then inspected the auxiliary and found them in good working order and thanked the Auxiliary for all they do for our veterans.

Calles was congratulated for the distinction of receiving outstanding District President, Division 1, at the Department Convention in June; three members were at the convention and had the opportunity to see her accept her medal.

The next regular meeting will be 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 at the Post home. All members are invited to attend.

The upcoming Christmas dinner and anniversary celebration plans are on the agenda to be discussed.