OPENING DAY Rachel Krajcirik (left) served as master of ceremonies when the Anthracite Little League recently held its Opening Day ceremony in Lansford. Baseball and softball players encircle the infield of the field during the program. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
PLAY BALL Dr. Melanie Koehler, peditrician for St. Luke's University Health Network, tosses the ceremonial first pitch to catcher Ava Alabovitz to signal the start of the Anthracite Little League program in the Panther Valley. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
ANTHRACITE LITTLE LEAGUE OPENS SEASON Terry Purcell, left, Northwest Regional President of the Lehigh Valley Health Network, and Dr. Melanie Koehler, pediatrician with St. Luke's University Health Network, prepare to toss out the first balls at opening ceremonies of the Anthracite Little League, held recently in Lansford. Scores of players representing the leagues 18 baseball and softball teams took part in the program. The leagues encompass girls and boys ranging from tee-ball to junior high school. RON GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Published May 09. 2022 12:44PM
The Anthracite Little League program recently held its Opening Day ceremonies