Lehighton’s police sergeant resigns
Already without a chief of police, changes continue to mount for Lehighton’s police department, which now finds itself without a sergeant.
Borough council on a 5-0 vote following an executive session on Monday accepted the resignation of police Sgt. Scott Prebosnyak.
Prebosnyak resigned voluntarily because he has agreed to take a job elsewhere in law enforcement. He started with the department in 1995.
His resignation comes after council at a special meeting last week after an executive session appointed Gabe Szozda as officer in charge until a new police chief is hired.
Also at last week’s special meeting, council approved the memorandum of understanding with police Chief Brian Biechy.
Biechy’s last day was April 26. He was originally set to retire Aug. 10.
Last month, council after an executive session approved the Intercounty Investigations & Solutions Inc. proposal in the amount of $3,095 for Chief of Police Applicant Background Investigation.
Council at a special meeting last month agreed to advertise for the chief of police position.
The next police chief will manage a department of 11 full-time officers and 1.5 civilian employees.
The salary range is $90,000-$100,000 with an excellent benefit package.
Exact salary will depend on qualifications/experience.
In December, council accepted Biechy’s notice of retirement and approved the Lafayette College Meyner Center proposal for recruitment services for the chief of police position, and the consulting rate of $95 per hour for any work outside of the proposal.
Biechy became police chief in December 2013.
Biechy’s salary was $88,400.
He began as a part-time officer in the borough in 1988, and became full-time in 1989.