Carbon environmental center announces programs
Carbon County Environmental Education Center in Summit Hill has announced the following events and other information.
Most programs offered in-person with limited attendance. Some include a virtual option. See program descriptions for details at Additional information is also on CCEEC’s Facebook page.
Registration for events are taken by phone only. To register, call 570-645-8597.
CCEEC is located at 151 E. White Bear Drive, Summit Hill. The center building is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekends.
Protecting the birds
As a visitor, you can help protect the birds kept at CCEEC from bird flu.
Bird flu, also known as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, is a virus that harms wild and domestic birds.
The risk to people is low, but the disease can kill hawks, eagles and other birds.
On your next visit, please:
• Stay outdoors and visit the birds along the boardwalk first
• Come inside to see our building and displays after that
• Do not return to the boardwalk after your time inside
If you have chickens, ducks, turkeys or other birds at home, or if you’re visiting to bring a sick bird for rehabilitation, the center asks you not to visit on the boardwalk at all.
Creepy Crawlers
Creepy Crawlers will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on the following Mondays at the center. Open to all 2, 3 and 4-year-olds, each session focuses on some aspect of the natural world. Children participate in age-appropriate games, crafts, stories and other activities.
Programs are free for members, and a $5 per-child donation is requested of nonmembers. Please register by phone.
• May: No Meeting
• June 27: “Wonderful Water”
• July 25: “Animal Games”
Rain Barrel Workshop
A rain barrel workshop will take place at CCEEC at 6 p.m. on April 26.
This program is strictly limited to the first 30 registered participants. Attendees (virtual or in-person) will then be able to purchase a rain barrel for only $10.
The high quality, 58-gallon, food grade barrels are assembled and supplied by Camel’s Hump Rain Barrels of Phoenixville.
Living with black bears
Carbon County Game Warden Cory Bentzoni offers participants timely advice on living with one of the commonwealth’s largest - and at times most destructive - resident animals, Pennsylvania’s black bears. The program will take place at 1 p.m. on April 30.
Learn how to protect your birdfeeders, trash cans and the rest of your property from a potential nuisance. Understanding bears’ habits and needs helps everyone to coexist more peaceably.
The program is offered free of charge for EEC members and nonmembers alike. Please register by phone.
Plant Swap
The center will hold a plant swap from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 14.
Come with - or without - garden plants to share. This is a great opportunity for new and veteran gardeners alike to save money, and to meet and talk with each other for planting tips and tricks.
No registration is required. Native plants are preferred but not required, but please no invasive species allowed.
Yoga with Lori
CCEEC volunteer and yoga instructor Lori Wolf offers gentle flow yoga appropriate for everyone at 1 p.m. on May 22.
Gentle stretching, breathing and imagery will bring awareness inward. This session is planned for indoors, so participation will be limited to allow for social distancing.
Those interested should register by phone.
Wildflower walk
Volunteer Naturalist Michael Blacketter leads participants on an easy walking trek to search for wildflowers in bloom at 10 a.m. on June 11. June is the ideal time for finding daisies, milkweed, wild phlox and more.
Binoculars and field guides available on loan or bring your own. Sturdy, waterproof footwear recommended.
Please register by phone.