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The CISM program

Services provided by the CISM teams may include:

• On-Scene Support. Teams may observe, watch for acute reactions, provide support, encouragement and be able to help resting personnel and command deal with stress reactions.• Pre-Incident Education/Information. Program suitable for squad training on stress management, critical incidents and how to use the team.• Demobilizations. Short, informational sessions with units as they leave the scene of a long duration incident.• Defusing. Occurs within a few hours of a critical incident, primarily informational.• Debriefing. Occurs 24-72 hours after the incident. It is a confidential, nonevaluative discussion of involvement, thoughts and feelings resulting from the incident.• Individual Contacts 1:1. Crisis intervention with individuals on scene or at other locations.• Crisis Management Briefings. To inform and consult, allow psychological decompression, teach stress management to large groups.• Psychological First Aid. To meet physical needs and basic psychological needs for safety and information, and to meet needs for interpersonal support.• Family/Spousal Support Services. Foster support and communication, symptom mitigation, closure, and referral as needed.• Special Programs. Content determined by request and needs. Utilizes expertise of diverse team. K-9 involvement possible.• Follow-up. All services are followed up several days after a program to determine effectiveness and assess additional needs.• Referral. Access to appropriate higher level of care is facilitated, as needed.