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Monroe Vietnam veterans honored

On Tuesday morning local Vietnam Veterans Affairs, Chapter 678 held a wreath-laying ceremony to honor all the veterans who served and returned.

Immediately after the ceremony, a Vietnam Commemorative Pin Ceremony was hosted by the Monroe County Veterans Affairs office for those who did not receive one.

A Vietnam veteran of Chapter 678, 80-year-old Richard Dreas, was the oldest to receive the Vietnam War Commemoration pin.

What the pin stands for:

• The Vietnam lapel pin is decorated with a eagle, which represents courage, honor and dedicated service to our nation.

• A blue circle that matches the canton on the American flag and signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. The circle shape and blue color also matches the official seal of the commemoration.

• The laurel wreath, a time honored symbol representing victory, integrity and strength.

• The stripes behind the eagle represent the American flag.

• The six stars represent the six allies who served, sacrificed and fought alongside one another: Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and the United States.

• “A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You” is embossed on the back, closest to the heart of the wearer.

Veterans gather before the wreath was placed for display by the door to the Veterans Office of Foreign Affairs. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS
The wreath honoring the 10 men in Monroe County who lost their lives in the Vietnam War will be displayed in the hallway outside the Veteran Affairs office in the Monroe County Courthouse annex.
Despite the windy morning, the Color Guard was able to show their colors.