Published March 21. 2014 05:00PM
Rush Township continues its crackdown on past-due sewer bills.
At the end of 2013, the total owed on delinquent sewer and garbage bills was about $189,000, which included about $63,000 late garbage bills.During a meeting Thursday, supervisors said past-due amounts in both categories have been reduced, with the total of late funds about $113,000, with the biggest chunk of that about $96,000 owed on sewer bills in the Hometown system.Warning letters have been sent to those customers.If the township needs to send a second letter, that letter will include a shut-off date for the customer's water."We're serious about this," Chairman Shawn Gilbert said after the meeting.He added that the supervisors will present a complete list and past-due totals at next month's meeting.In other action, the supervisors:• Sold the 2000 International dump truck to Kline Township for $10,000.• Purchased 12 security cameras from Valley Grafix, Hometown for $5,599. The cameras will be installed around the township building.• Approved paying Biros of Zion Grove to fix a manhole in Lake Hauto, at the intersection of Park Drive and Pine Terrace.The repair, which is part of the sewer system at Lake Hauto, is expensive because it involves a manhole which is part of a high-pressure line with three valves.