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Schuylkill Master Gardeners spring series

Join Schuylkill County Master Gardeners on March 26, for Spring Series of Gardening Education from 9 to noon on four topics: Soils and Fertilizer, Sustainable Gardening, Native Plants and Home Food Preservation.

From 1-4 p.m., three additional topics, Invasive Plant Species, Seed Saving Basics and a slideshow on Spiders - Life on Silk - will be covered.

The cost to attend only a morning or an afternoon is $10 or pay $15 for the full day of sessions. Lunch is not provided.

Online registration is necessary for attendance at the Ag Center, 1202 Ag Center Drive, Pottsville or via Zoom.

To register, visit https://extension.psu.edu/master-gardener-spring-series-webinar before the March 24 deadline.

For more information contact Program Coordinator Casey Clauser at 717-270-4391 or by email at cmc7444@psu.edu.