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Mahoning asked to consider parking for trams

Another time extension has been granted to a Jim Thorpe developer for his planned residential development in Mahoning Township.

Supervisors on a 4-0 vote Wednesday approved the Sierra Vista letter of extension until June 30.

Afterward, the board tabled the Sierra Vista Pre-Security Agreement. Supervisor Myron “Zeke” Blahy was absent.

Jake Arner, president of Awesome View Properties Inc., has planned residential developments in Mahoning and Jim Thorpe.

Sierra Vista Estates has 104 units on Flagstaff Road right next to the Flagstaff ballroom and has been approved as a residential development in the township.

Canyon Rim Estates, Arner’s residential development in Jim Thorpe, has 270 units and was approved for short-term rentals, a winery, a tram and a camping facility.

Supervisors on Wednesday fielded several inquires from Arner, for which board Chairman Robert Slaw gave his take on.

“I just don’t see you getting off the ground by June,” Slaw said. “There’s a lot to be done before June; I don’t see it happening.”

Arner asked the board if it felt there’s any additional room for tram parking in the township, if they see any problems with it, and whether they could approve it.

However, Slaw told Arner that he objects to anything that is not zoned for.

“We’re not going to spot zone,” Slaw said. “That’s not fair to anybody else who came in asking for zoning changes.”

Slaw told Arner he would have to go before the township’s zoning hearing board.

After the meeting, Arner explained his intentions.

“My goal is to improve business without impacting the residents,” Arner said. “The best way to do that is to take the traffic and route it to a less congested area which would be Flagstaff, and provide the parking there and then tram them down to Jim Thorpe because you wouldn’t have the cars backed up on 209 and downtown Jim Thorpe.”

Arner told supervisors last month his hope is that Sierra Vista is also approved for short-term rentals.

Earlier last month, supervisors authorized township solicitor Tom Nanovic to draft an ordinance similar to what Penn Forest Township supervisors previously adopted.

The planning commission previously granted conditional final plan approval of Sierra Vista Phase 1A, with conditions that include compliance with comments of LTL letter of 10-20-2020, and no construction to take place until pre-security agreement is approved and signed, and escrow fund for construction inspection and letter of credit for sewer main trench maintenance and Flagstaff Road overlay are submitted to the township.