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Hayden Power speaks to CCTI students

Students at Carbon Career & Technical Institute in the Electrical Distribution and Automation/Electrician Department recently had the opportunity to learn about the apprenticeship program with Hayden Power, Hazleton.

Owner George Hayden addressed the group, along with HR Manager Kristine Nester, Prefab Manager Kris Silfies and Gwyneth Navitsky, who handles the apprenticeship.

The apprenticeship coordinates with the school and work for the student.

During the students’ time of their apprenticeship, they will learn what they pay through the apprenticeship, bonuses, benefits, incentives, where they work in the area and the future goals for the company.

Students were then asked questions about electrical and prizes were awarded from the Hayden Power group for correct answers.

Members of Hayden Power talk with students from Carbon Career & Technical Institute. From left, Kris Silfies, prefab manager; Gwyneth Navitsky, apprenticeship; Kristine Nester, human resources manager; and George Hayden, CEO. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO