Penn Forest resident asks for limit on rentals
The Penn Forest Township board of supervisors fielded plans earlier this month about short term rentals.
Peg Dusablon also was back to speak about short term rental properties.
She asked if there was a way to put a limit to the number of short term rental properties on a street, or in a neighborhood. Township solicitor Thomas Nanovic believes that such a rule is possible.
Supervisor Patrick Holland, no fan of short term rentals, offered his support to the effort.
Attorney Nanovic has filed a petition for the township seeking re-argument of the Atlantic Winds windmill farm proposal before Commonwealth Court.
The Park Advisory Board’s proposed festival with crafts and music in the park on Sept. 24 gained full support of supervisors, and citizens.
Supervisors were unanimous in selecting Barry Isett and Associates to supply engineering services to the township.
Isett had done the engineering prior to Hanover Engineering being appointed.
Hanover will finish out select projects that they were involved in, with BIA taking over the rest. Hanover will continue its work as sewage enforcement officers for the township.
The township will put specifications together in order to seek bids to digitize the township ordinances.
Specs will also be put together to gain bids to scan and digitize township records.
The idea of getting a digital sign for the township park was tabled to develop bid specifications.
Supervisor Holland has concerns about the cost.
As roadmaster, Meckes reported that the township crew found itself short-handed due to illnesses and long shifts on the bigger storms last month.
Contractor Shiffer was called out to help fill-in. This led to a discussion about getting a list together for additional plow truck drivers who would work by the day.
Meckes will talk with the union and the township’s labor lawyer first. Once the plan for a list is worked out, ads will be run.
With the new plow truck expected this month, having extra help during storms should be welcome.
Drivers would need to have plow truck experience - a CDL is not necessary.