Tamaqua council discusses options for pool
In a series of motions, Tamaqua Borough Council voted on several items regarding the H.D. Buehler Memorial Pool. People are being asked to consider donating to the “Save the Bungalow” campaign to make improvements and/or leverage grant dollars to replace the structure with a modern and more cost-effective facility. Donations may be made at the pool or at the municipal building. All gifts are tax deductible.
A motion was also made to adopt a resolution accepting a $60,000 grant from the John E. Morgan Foundation Inc. for pool operating expenses.
Ann Marie Calabrese, Director of Community Development, suggested that as a potential fundraiser for the pool, she would like to see about selling a collection of street signs that are currently in storage. Several members indicated that it would be a good idea.
Calabrese advised council that she spoke with representatives from the Panther Valley Pool, and they are not sure yet if they will be opening the pool because they are having repairs done.
Beth Jones was rehired as pool manager for the 2022 season at a pay rate of $17.50 per hour.
The pool will advertise for part-time assistant pool managers, lifeguards and pool clerks for the 2022 season.
The pool plans to open on May 28 and close tentatively on Aug. 21, pending lifeguard availability.
The pool will also advertise for a concession stand vendor and prepare a lease agreement requiring insurance, a deposit, payment of propane and electric utilities, removal of trash and cooking oil and cleaning of the stand area.
Due to the potential that the Panther Valley Pool may be closed for the season for repairs, council voted that members of the Panther Valley School District may apply for a season pass using the Lansford Pool pay schedule.
Tamaqua Pool seasonal and daily pool rates for the 2022 season were voted on as follows:
Seasonal rates: Tamaqua Area School District residents, $10 per person; outside Tamaqua school district, $100 per person; temporary guest pass, $20 per person per week, two weeks maximum.
Daily rates: TASD residents, $5 per person Monday-Friday (6 years or older), $6 per person Saturday and Sunday, (6 years or older), $1 per person preschool (under 6 years old); outside TASD, $12 per person Monday-Friday (6 years or older), $20/person Sat & Sun (6 years or older), $1 per person Preschool (under 6 years old).