CCTI to Celebrate Career & Technical Education Month
Students, faculty and staff at Carbon Career & Technical Institute will be celebrating Career & Technical Education Month for February with events and activities scheduled throughout the month.
CTE Month is a public awareness campaign that takes place each February to celebrate the value of school and the achievements and accomplishments of Career & Technical Education programs across the country.
Career and technical education, is education that directly prepares students for high-wage, high-demand careers. CTE covers many different fields, including health care, information technology, advanced manufacturing, hospitality and management and many more. CTE encompasses many different types of education, from classroom learning to certification programs to work-based learning opportunities outside the classroom.
Activities planned for the month include:
Trivia Contests held each week during lunch, when prizes will be awarded.
“Spirit Week” - Feb. 7-11: Monday, “Hat Day; Tuesday, “Disney Day”; Wednesday, “Country vs. City Day”; Thursday, “Career Cluster Day”CTI Olympics, technical areas will compete against each other and Friday, “Jersey Day.”
Feb. 9: “Teacher Appreciation Day”
Feb. 10: Students to attend the Carbon County Commissioners Meeting - one student from each district in the county will participate in the commissioners meeting to educate them on the importance of technical education, especially in our area.
Feb. 11: “Celebrate The Super Bowl” - ice cream and games
Feb. 14-25: Staff Integration Weeks - Academic staff will shadow a technical area
Feb. 16: Door Decorating Contest - all academic and technical areas will decorate doors - winners will receive a pizza party.
There will be a “CCTI Evening Out/Open House” held from 6 to 8 p.m. Feb. 23. Snow date will be Feb. 28. Students will have the opportunity to tour specific technical areas of their interest. The school store will be open to purchase school merchandise, Culinary food sale, paraffins by the Cosmetology Department and a raffle and prizes.
For further information on the CCTI Evening Out/Open House or information about applying to CCTI, call 570-325-3682.