Published February 07. 2022 11:34AM
The Pocono Arts Council is seeking artists for its 28th annual Student Art Exhibition on Feb. 19.
“We are really excited because the student art exhibition will be the first exhibition held in the Pocono Arts Council’s new location at 727 Main St., Stroudsburg,” said Jessica Delfino, the Pocono Arts Council’s marketing director.
The exhibition is open to students K-12 in the four Monroe County school districts, as well as local private, charter, cyber or home schools, she said.
Delfino is hoping since the new location is right on Main Street, it will generate more traffic for the Student Art Exhibition and other exhibitions they plan.
Students must drop off their artwork between 1-5 p.m. on Feb. 15, at 727 Main St.
The students artists’ reception and awards ceremony will take place from 4-6 p.m. on Feb. 19 at the gallery.
The exhibition will run through March 1.
Entry forms are available at
Categories for submission include: 2D works, 3D works, (sculpture/nonfunctional), fine arts (functional), and photography/videography.
Cash awards are available for Best of Show; Senior Awards (three per category); and select Junior Awards K-8 (at the discretion of the judge).
Jessica Delfino, Marketing Director for The Pocono Arts Council, left, and Susan Randall, director for the Pocono Arts Council, try to decide where to put the banner in their new gallery location at 727 Main St., Stroudsburg. AMY LEAP/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS