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Second Cooks with Collars competition begins

There’s a go-to recipe for every church in the Allentown Diocese.

Whether it’s halupki, pierogies or blooming onions, each parish has something that has to be at every function.

But have you ever wondered can your priest cook?

The Diocese of Allentown just launched the second annual Cooks with Collars competition for priests from parishes around the diocese to show off their culinary skills - or lack thereof - or their parish’s experts showing what they do in the kitchen.

This year, over 40 priests are putting their talents to the test to raise money for their parish, as well as Catholic Charities.

Voting is now open and people can vote as often as they like by making a donation on the Cooks with Collars website.

“In the spirit of great parish festivals everywhere, Cooks with Collars is an opportunity to work together and have fun,” the diocese said on the contest website.

Local priests participating in the competition include:

• The Rev. Robert George of St. Joseph Parish of the Panther Valley in Summit Hill, who made a Coal Region staple, Boilo, as well as a treat for the ages, City Chicken.

• The Rev. Kevin Gallagher of St. Teresa of Calcutta in Mahanoy City, who made chicken potpie.

• The Rev. Christopher Zelonis of SS. Peter and Paul in Lehighton, who was joined by parishioner Mike Gonzalez, who co-owns Pancho’s Mexican Food Truck, and made pico de gallo.

• The Rev. Eric Arnout of Assumption BVM of Slatington, who made red wine chocolate cake.

Diocesan priests formerly of the area who are also participating include:

• The Rev. Allen Hoffa of Holy Guardian Angels Parish in Reading and formerly of St. Joseph Parish of the Panther Valley.

• Lansford native Monsignor Thomas Orsulak of St. Peter the Apostle in Reading.

Voting for parishes costs as much as you would like a vote. Money raised will help the parishes, as well as Catholic Charities.

There is no limit to how often you can cast a vote.

Voting ends on Feb. 28 and winners in the competition will be announced on March 1.

To view the video entries or to vote, visit www.cookswithcollars.com.