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Small-town politics

It is disheartening to hear the unfair chatter surrounding our local politics. It seems that, as election time nears, there is an overabundance of negative commentary. I do not know all the candidates personally and would not venture to guess their appropriateness for the position of clerk of courts.

What I can attest to is the character I have witnessed firsthand from one of my closest friends and candidate, Fran Heaney. I have personally trusted Fran with the things most important to me because she is honest, fair, ethical, accountable and trustworthy. Qualities that I have appreciated in our friendship over the course of the last 24 years. Fran can be counted on to rise to the occasion and give her all to accomplish any task she undertakes with a positive attitude focused on the goal. Our conversations often involve her love of leading the clerk’s office and the pride she feels in the amazing accomplishments she and her team have achieved to remedy the many issues plaguing that office.

She has demonstrated over the course of the last months that she cannot only manage and rectify the backlog, but train her staff to be successful and efficient, preventing a recurrence. Her team stands behind her. Her friends stand behind her. I stand behind her and would encourage you to do the same. We need more people like Fran in our local government. Please join me in electing Fran Heaney to clerk of courts.

Jodi Hinger

Jim Thorpe