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Mahoning Township Supervisors

Mahoning Township supervisors took the following action on Wednesday:

• Tabled the short-term rental ordinance.

• On a 4-1 vote, approved a one-year lease for Adam Ziegler to farm the former Diaz building. Board Chairman Robert Slaw was opposed.

• Appointed LTL Consultants as engineer.

• Adopted an ordinance for Church Road.

• Appointed Supervisors Myron “Zeke” Blahy and Brian Reeser to the police committee.

• Appointed Supervisors Ronald Reeser and Brian Reeser to the road committee.

• Appointed Lehigh Valley Inspection Services as building code official.

• Appointed Mark Schwalm to the planning commission.

• Approved the fee schedule for the planning commission.

- Terry Ahner