Weissport looks into drainage repairs for Lime Street
Weissport Council Vice President Tom Ketchledge suggested Lime Street in the borough needs drainage repairs.
“It’s just grass for the water to run down,” Ketchledge said. “Every time we get stuff (snow and rain) like this, it’s hard to get rid of that water over there. It piles up in the street. Maybe we can do something temporarily until we can get a grant to do that one.”
A motion was made to purchase a new salt spreader for the borough’s snow plow. The old one is no longer working.
“The motor spins,” council President Arland Moyer said, “but the gear box is shot. It’s $1,500 for a gear box. It’s to the point that it’s obsolete.”
A new salt spreader is $2,600 plus $150 freight. The price is set through COSTARS (Cooperative Purchasing) through the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, which offers lower pricing to municipalities.
Council will also look about purchasing a vinyl covering for it.
Council also voted to spend up to $500 to purchase six upgraded outlets for the borough park gazebo and several other select locations in the park.
Ketchledge will check at Lowe’s to see what the exact cost will be for the materials.
Council voted for the following positions:
• Arland Moyer, president
• Thomas Ketchledge, vice president
• Jennifer Ketchledge, secretary
• Greg Mousseau, solicitor
Council also voted to approve Benesch as the borough’s new engineers. Benesch is located in Pottsville.
Solicitor Mousseau reported that he will write a resolution for the increase in the garbage bill.
Chief of Police Matthew Williams reported a total of 12 calls for the period of Dec. 6 through Jan. 3: two traffic violations, and one each domestic dispute, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, suspicious vehicle, suspicious person, noise complaint, ordinance violation, arrest warrant service, assisted other police department, and administrative duty. Two traffic citations were issued.
Tommy McEvilly was appointed to a one-year term on the Weissport Sewer Authority Board, and Duane Watson was appointed to a three-year term.