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W. Penn receives $242K park grant

Plans of constructing a major park in West Penn Township took a major step with a $242,000 grant.

In July 2020, the West Penn board of supervisors accepted an agreement with resident Dennis D’Angelo, who donated 26 acres of land at Bella Terra Farms LLC to the township.

That’s where Atlas Park will call its home.

The matching DCNR grant is the value of the land, doubled. Glenn Hummel, West Penn supervisor, said the donation of the land qualifies as the match - meaning no money out of the township’s pocket.

“We have the principal agreement that the property will be donated to us after the grant comes through,” said Hummel.

“I’m very excited. It’s going to have everything in there that we would want for any community park, for anybody to use.”

Hummel added that Atlas Park is planned to be four times the size of the township’s Morgan Park.

Plans and goals for Atlas Park include baseball and soccer fields, dog park, Frisbee area and nature trails around the entire perimeter of the property for walking and biking. Perhaps the biggest component of the project is the proposed building of a large recreational center.

Board Chairman Tony Prudenti said the planning process has been a group effort and added that state Sen. Dave Argall and state Rep. Jerry Knowles were instrumental to its success.

“We have to thank everyone,” Prudenti said.

“This is an effort put together with a majority of the township workers on board. We’re looking forward to seeing this thing through fruition.”