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Lehighton Fire Department names 2020, 2021 Firefighters of the Year

They’re brothers by birth.

But, that isn’t the only brotherhood Tucker and Zach Haberman share.

Along with their bloodline, the siblings also share a rather lofty accolade courtesy of the Lehighton Fire Department.

Tucker received the 2020 Firefighter of the Year award, while Zach received the 2021 Firefighter of the Year award.

The awards were presented to the brothers for their dedication to the fire department at its Christmas party last week.

Tucker, who serves a lieutenant, has been with the fire department for the past 10 years and said he was “honored” to get the award.

“Speaking from an officer’s standpoint, everybody puts in the time, so this should go to everyone,” Tucker said. “There’s a lot of missed meals, but it’s worth it in the end, being a part of something bigger than ourselves.”

Zach, a firefighter with the department for the past nine years, said he was at a loss for words when informed of the award.

“I was speechless,” Zach said. “It’s nice to get recognized.”

However, Zach said that’s far from the reason why he volunteers.

“It’s just helping the community,” he said. “I’m just glad to help out.”

Tucker noted they are the grandsons of the late Miles Haberman Jr., who carved out quite a legacy of his own in the borough.

“He was a past council(man) mayor, and (borough) manager for years,” he said. “We kind of followed somewhat in his footsteps.”

From left, brothers Zach Haberman (2021) and Tucker Haberman (2020) were recognized as Firefighters of the Year at the Lehighton Fire Department's Christmas party. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS