Perfect moments
I'm a sucker for those Family Channel movies, especially the Christmas ones.
I watched "Holiday in Handcuffs," starring Melissa Joan Hart and Mario Lopez. (Isn't he just the cutest thing with those deep dimples?)Melissa's character, Trudie, makes an observation that really resonated with me. She says, "There may not be such a thing as a perfect job, a perfect life or a perfect family, but there is such a thing as a perfect moment."I so totally agree.In a perfect life, I would be thin, rich and living on a beachfront cottage somewhere tropical.Since I am fat, just getting by and living in Pennsylvania, I'm learning to appreciate the perfect moments that come my way.In a perfect life, I would have my daughter living close by so we could see each other whenever we wanted. But, she doesn't. She lives in Texas. So when Becky walked into the airport last Tuesday and I got to put my arms around her and hug her with all my might, I was given a perfect moment.We got to share a few more perfect moments while she was home for a short Christmas visit. Another one was when she and I sat at the table painting together. She has recently begun painting again, and it is a passion we now both share. So sitting next to each other, painting the same project, was kind of like winning the painting lottery. To me, it was the perfect moment.A couple of weeks ago, I hosted the gals in my family at a Christmas cookie baking party. There were six of us, all wearing the same gingerbread aprons. Lots of laughter, giggling and flour on the floor was mixed in with the heavenly aroma of baking cinnamon throughout the house.I had to go to the store for a forgotten ingredient. When I returned home, it was dusk. As I was walking toward the front door, the picture-perfect sight I saw through the big window made me stop.The lights were all on in the kitchen and dining room, casting a warm, golden glow in the early evening. I watched as my gingerbread girls worked busily at the different tasks of mixing, dropping cookie dough on baking sheets, stealing a finger-full of dough for a taste, removing baked cookies to a table laden with rows and rows of delicious morsels, as someone said something and made the others laugh. It was such a Norman Rockwell scene. I wanted to preserve it forever in my heart. It was a perfect moment in time.Life throws at us lots of imperfect moments: devastating illnesses, money issues, marriage problems, children's behaviors, jobs, or lack of a job ... the list can be endless.But every once in a while, we get these gifts handed to us ... perfect moments.• Standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon for the first time and being on the floor of Zion Canyon, with these monstrous neck-craning cliffs towering high above me, on a full moonlit night, feeling so infinitesimal and yet a part of God's incredible world.• Being handed a beautiful healthy baby girl and seeing my heart in person for the first time.• Hearing Josh Groban sing "You Raise Me Up" for the first time.• Snorkeling in the Caribbean.• Just sitting on the couch next to Harry on a cold winter's night with a blanket around us, eating popcorn while watching an old movie.• Sitting in Madison Square Garden as Barbra Streisand comes on stage.• As a young girl, watching my mom and dad dance in the middle of the kitchen and then kiss.Oh, I could go on. Which is pretty wonderful to think I have all of these perfect moments to cherish.Trudie says in the movie that there is no perfect life. But hopefully at the end of mine, I will remember all the perfect moments I was fortunate enough to have, total them all up from my years on earth and be able to say, "Wow! I really had a perfect life."I don't usually make New Year's resolutions. Maybe I'll make an exception for 2015.Therefore, I resolve to recognize all those perfect moments that come my way and appreciate them for the amazing gifts they are.Won't you join me?