Letter to the editor: Focusing on the economy
President Biden’s 21st Century Deal is focusing on the “real economy.” He wants to tilt the job market toward American workers and try to build a foundation for the future.
Congress deregulated Wall Street, shipped jobs over seas to China, didn’t enforce antitrust laws, or update tax codes. The financial industry and lobbyists became very powerful. Over the years, Congress D & R didn’t address the changing economy.
Zero, that’s “0” Republicans voted for Biden’s COVID Rescue Plan. The child tax credit was a game changer for the millions of children with food insecurity. And it was Republican hypocrisy as many went home to their districts and boasted about the legislation they all voted against.
The Biden administration was faced with very serious problems, especially global recession. America’s much-needed Infrastructure Plan has passed. Finally, the large fortunes of big business will be taxed. Reduce the Tums because Republican Fed Chair Jerome Powell (inflation) will be staying on.
Rural Pennsylvania desperately needs infrastructure and broadband (internet) for schools and business.
Small Pennsylvania farmers will get $150K debt relief! There is $18 billion to upgrade veterans facilities.
Pennsylvania has 18 districts. All Democrats voted yes. All Republicans (who control rural areas) voted no except Brian Fitzpatrick. I say, contemptible. As a former volunteer at the VA hospital, Democrat Matt Cartwright has informed me there are nearly 50,000 vets in his 8th District.
It is disgraceful that plenty of people care more about the Biden administration failing than they do about improving our country and Americans succeeding. Stunning, but not unexpected from the modern-day GOP that has no real platform except culture wars, the same tax policies and deregulation.
And Jiminy Crickets, more subpoenas might be coming.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra has donated $10 million to charities, especially to ones that help and protect children.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s “Father, Son & Holy Ghost” strikes a note.
Happy holidays.
Debra Becker