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Winery hosts evening to meet PMC doctors

Those searching for a new primary care physician through Pocono Medical Center are welcome to attend a social evening at Blue Ridge Estate Winery and Vineyards, 239 Blue Ridge Road in Saylorsburg from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday.

The evening will include appetizers and tastings from Blue Ridge Winery's extensive wine collection. It will also feature brief discussions from PMC physicians on why you should be raising a glass to your health.PMC primary care physicians will include Dr. Kenneth Varano, Dr. Melissa Zegar, Dr. Aparna Tamaskar and CRNP Traci Stahl.There will also be free blood pressure and A1C screenings.There is no charge but preregistration is required by calling 570-426-2879 or online at PoconoMedicalCenter.org/wellness.For more information, email
