Township granted extension on resolving building issues
Mahoning Township supervisors reported at their meeting earlier this week that after attending a meeting with the Department of Labor and Industry the township has been granted an extension until July 2, 2012 as they continue to work on resolving the numerous complaints which were made with regard to the air quality and suitability of the township building last fall.
"The officials we spoke with at our meeting on the 27th were pleased with what we have accomplished as we work to resolve the building issues with a new pole barn structure for the road crew," said Chairperson John Wieczorek. "In fact they found our progress to be 'aggressive' and were happy with where we are to date."Supervisors Bruce Steigerwalt and Frank Ruch met with engineer Tim Edinger and the architect in his firm who are working on the technical specifications for the pole building that will house the road crew. They discussed several items but one issue where the architect and the engineer did not totally agree was with the wall separating the heated and unheated areas in the building."The architect is not sure if it needs to be a firewall and if it does what type of material and how it should be constructed," said Wieczorek. He indicated the engineer and architect were currently trying to resolve that question and that they would be meeting again with Ruch and Steigerwalt to continue working on the specifications. "They also asked that Carl Faust [our building inspector] attend that meeting so they could get his input as well."The supervisors will continue to move forward with the building and continue to report on the project at the next meeting.In other business, the supervisors approved a request for an extension by Coordinated Health on their plans for a proposed medical center along Route 443 east of the former Mahoning Farmer's Market. The unanimous vote extends the healthcare company's deadline for submitting plans until June 30, 2012.It was also reported by Solicitor Tom Nanovic that negotiations are still continuing to finalize the agreement between the township and Lowe's with regard to the maintenance of the traffic signal on Route 443 at the entrance to the store.