Borough, authority split fees for street project
After convening for an executive session to discuss a legal matter, the Walnutport Authority carried on its meeting as usual Tuesday night.
In regard to the authority's upcoming Oak Street project, which involves construction of approximately 1,050 linear feet of water main, engineer Jason Newhard said that while the Community Development Block Grant project is fully funded for its construction costs, its engineering costs are not."What I gave you is the tabulation that shows what would be the borough portion, the authority portion based on the water items versus the street reconstruction items," Newhard said. "Then what I did was I broke it out by total price and percentage of each. In this case, the borough percentage of the whole project is 28 percent of construction; yours is 72 percent."He said he believes that will be the "equitable split" of the engineering fees between the two, which will run just over $23,000, and which the borough has already paid in full.Because the authority is independent of the borough, for its part Chairman Ron Kuntz said the authority will reimburse the borough, which will gain a new overlay for the street, for the percent it owes them. He also added that "most of it is our project" and that it will likely start in mid to late June.In other news, Kuntz said Judy Burke and Carlton Miller, authority employees and local representatives of the Walnutport Authority to the Pennsylvania American Water Works Association, the authoritative resource on safe water in the state, volunteered at this year's HydroMania on May 8.Burke and Miller said that during the annual event, held at Cedar Crest College, approximately 1,200 third- and fourth-graders from area schools received hands-on education about water conservation, understanding where water comes from, pollution and chemicals in water, and more.Sponsored by Lehigh Valley Water Suppliers Inc., a goal of the event is to get across to kids that "the water we have on earth … since the time of GeorgeWashington or biblical times … is the water we have" so that they learn to not pollute and to conserve.This was Burke's and Miller's 15th year attending the event.After the meeting, Kuntz also noted the Department of Environmental Protection will be at the Heimbach Filtration Plant this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to inspect it.Kuntz said the borough's new water filtration system, just north of Kmart on Alder Drive, will be run for the DEP for its approval and, if all goes well, the authority should receive a permit sometime next week to run it.