Weatherly Hillclimb Association aids local organizations
For the Weatherly Hillclimb Association it's not just about planning racing events, as the group stays active all year by donating to and supporting the surrounding communities.
The newest organizations to benefit from the Hillclimb Association, United Charities and United Children's Home received boxes of shirts from them.Representatives of the two local charities and Weatherly Hillclimb Association representatives met at Fairway Subaru in Hazleton (main sponsor of the Weatherly Hill Climb) where the Hillclimb Association donated 225 T-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts to be distributed locally by the charities.The Hillclimb Association is also the major sponsor of the Weatherly Relay for Life Chapter through which donations have been made to the American Cancer Society.To show support for Autism research, the group participated in a Walk for Autism held in Allentown.In the past, during the Christmas holiday, shirts were given to the patients staying at Weatherwood Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center.Coloring books and crayons were distributed by the Hillclimb Association to the Weatherly Elementary School for the young students.Many other organizations and groups have benefited from monetary donations which were given by the Hillclimb Association such as the Weatherly youth groups, the newly opened Weatherly Museum, and the Weatherly Ambulance and Fire Company to list just a few.Skateboard equipment erected at Weatherly Eurana Park for the public to use was made possible with the help of the Weatherly Hillclimb Association.The Weatherly American Legion now has a storage shed thanks to members of the Association who donated their time and material to build the shed.The Weatherly Hillclimb Association was and still is continuing to stay active in helping others whenever possible.A memorial and a bridge that were erected on the site where the Weatherly Hillclimb events takes place were done in memory of those gone who played some significant role in the Hillclimb events.The Hillclimb Association is currently in the process of adopting the part of the road on which their annual events take place.Policing the area for garbage and making the area neater and cleaner has always been on the group's list every year as they look for more ways to improve the appearance.This year's Hillclimb events will be held on the weekends of June 8th & 9th and again on September 14th & 15th.The events will have kick-off parades on Friday, June 7th at 7:00 pm and on Friday, September 13th at 6:00 pm.All businesses with ads in their program are invited to participate in both parades and show off their company vehicles.Both Hillclimb events will also have food available from youth and non-profit groups along with fun and games.