Published May 15. 2013 05:03PM
The Jim Thorpe Olympian Marching Band traveled to Washington D.C. on Thursday, April 25th thru Sunday, April 28th for a musical competition and a tour of the Nation's Capital city.
They got to compete with other groups from across the Northeast U.S. and Canada, competing through World Strides in the "Parade Band Competition".In that competition the Olympian Marching Band won an Excellent Rating and a Silver Award Plaque.In addition to participating in a musical competition, while there they also did a lot of sightseeing and educational things.They visited the National Archives, Ford's Theater, visited various buildings at the Smithsonian Institute, and got to lay a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery.The band members also had the opportunity to see a rehearsal at Pershing Zone, the U.S. Army Band at Fort Myer Virginia.
The members of the Jim Thorpe Olympian Marching Band who traveled to Washington D.C. display the Silver Award Plaque they won in competition with other groups from across the Northeast U.S. and Canada.