2021 general election: Pleasant Valley school board
Five candidates are on the ballot for four positions as Pleasant Valley School Board directors. Two, Laura Jecker and Donna Yozwiak, are incumbents. Challengers are Diane M. Serfass, Michael Galler and Melanie Zipp. Galler and Zipp did not respond to the Times News questionnaire so we provided information included in the League of Women Voters guide.
Laura Jecker
Chestnuthill Township
Background: I have a strong background in business management, communication, public relations, and elementary education. I am a current board member and have served as board treasurer for two years. I know the issues facing our district and have actively worked to improve these issues with the board. I am active with Pennsylvania School Boards Association and have completed 56 PSBA courses since 2018 and have earned eight PSBA badges, and earned the PSBA Certificate in Board Governance.
Why you are running for school board: I am running for re-election because I believe the community needs a strong person who will watch the curriculum brought into our schools, who listens and hears what the community has to say, and truly cares about our students and their future goals. I want to work with the administration and business manager to streamline spending and staffing overall to ensure we are utilizing staff to their full potential.
One thing would you change about the school district if you could: The most important thing I would work with the board and superintendent to change would be board/community relations. Our community elects us to serve them on the board. It is our district and we are partners in our children’s education. Community members deserve answers to questions if not immediately but within 48 hours. I believe when questions are asked they should be directed by the superintendent to the administrator who handles the area.
How you will deal with aging buildings while balancing the budget: Pleasant Valley has a director of operations who has been tasked with reviewing and recommending maintenance and repair to our buildings. We should not be replacing buildings. We currently have a bond (2018) that is slated for capital improvements. Major repairs and replacement equipment have been addressed in this bond. Repairs and improvements be made in the order of need.
The pandemic showed the necessity of having plans for remote learning options. How the district can improve its cyberschool option and use of technology in the classroom: The teachers have brought forward a plan to improve our cyberschool. Administration, the director of curriculum and instruction, and the technology department are working on plans for improvement. The high school is now 1:1 and middle school will be 1:1 by mid-October. The administration apply for grants to obtain additional technology as they become available.
Donna Yozwiak
Background: I bring more than 45 years of educational experience to the office as an AP/English/journalism teacher at Pleasant Valley High School for 20 years. I assisted students as their school counselor for 18 years, specializing in career and technical and special education. I hold a master’s in education in secondary counseling from Marywood University, a master’s degree in secondary education from East Stroudsburg University, Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and history from Wilkes University.
Why I am running for school board: My entire career has been devoted to enhancing the educational excellence at PV and to improving the lives of students, staff and community. My knowledge of the district programs and finances allows me to make decisions based on facts and to provide the insight into the continuous social, emotional and learning needs of our students.
One thing I would change about the school district: My plan is to keep taxes low by advocating that legislators approve fair funding formulas, by negotiating fair and responsible employee contracts, by promoting academic excellence with increased credit requirements for graduation, by enhancing career and technical education programs, by promoting continued innovations to the Pleasant Valley Cyber Academy and by requiring that hiring of personnel rests on experience and not local bloodlines.
How to fix aging buildings while balancing the budget: The PV High School needs renovating very soon. Proper design can play a large role in the cost of these renovations. A previous administration was preparing grandiose designs that would have been too costly. I will be frugal in what plans are put forward. Multiple grants will be pursued and backing from our local legislators will be sought.
How the district can improve its cyberschool option and use of technology in the classroom: Many PV students are returning daily from cybercharter to brick-and-mortar buildings for in-person education. We have begun a one-to-one computer initiative with students being provided with Chromebooks. We have upgraded our platforms so that Schoology and Infinite Campus support our students’ educational needs. In addition, PV Cyber Academy is being revamped so that our own PV teachers will be providing the excellent PV curriculum personally in the very near future.
Diane M. Serfass
Background: Business Manager, Monroe Career & Technical Institute, bachelor’s degree in management and accounting from East Stroudsburg University, B.A. economics from ESU, PA Certified School Business Administrator, 15-plus years of school district experience, school finances, HR, cafeteria contract negotiations, service contracts
Why you are running for school board: A school board is elected to be a team of nine to make decisions about the operations of the district and to educate all students. I want to be part of this team, to share the knowledge I have gained over the last 15+ years as a business manager for both K-12 and Career and Technical Centers. I know firsthand how to run the day-to-day operations of a school, while adhering to state, local and federal mandates. A diverse board in all areas of education will make the best decisions for all involved.
What one thing you would change about the district if you could: Communication between all parties involved is key to making an operation work. Communication and trust go hand in hand. I would like to see communication expand in all areas of the operation of the district. Ex: curriculum, sports, human resources, collective bargaining, etc. As a board member, I need to know what is happening good/bad throughout the district in order to make good sound decisions, to help students to achieve to the best of their abilities.
How you will deal with aging buildings while balancing the budget: PV already has a Capital Reserve Fund and has earmarked projects by priority. I would continue to work with other board members to make sure those projects are completed as funds are available. Emergency projects may bump existing projects’ priority from time to time. As part of the annual budget, an allocation to capital reserve should be part of the process. Financial preparation is key to keeping the buildings and grounds maintained moving into the future.
How the district can improve its cyber options and use of technology in the classroom: A one-to-one initiative is already in place. PV needs to make sure that internet/broadband access is available and up to speed in each of its buildings to accommodate the various software applications and number of users per school day. Funding is available through grants and e-rate. PV’s Cyber school needs to equal the curriculum already being using in-house. Constant analysis needs to be done to make sure costs and student achievement are being met.
Melanie Zipp
Background: Senior Director of Quality Operations for multinational pharmaceutical packaging company; B.A. Chemistry, East Stroudsburg University, M.S. Chemistry, University of Scranton, M.B.A. Business West Texas, A&M expected December 2021; I am a lifetime learner with 20 years of experience in large global pharmaceutical companies with 15 years of experience building and leading operational and quality teams and managing multimillion dollar operational budgets.
Challenges: I think one of the largest challenges we face as a school district, like many other districts, is trying to improve the overall quality of education while maintaining fiscal responsibility. This is a large task that is never really complete. Having a diverse group of board members provides the benefit of different perspectives and offers a good opportunity to develop creative solutions. I think that benchmarking against similar schools, that are performing at the desired level, is an opportunity for us to learn.
Michael Galler
Ross Township (Saylorsburg)
Background: A Pleasant Valley SD resident for the past 26 years and had two children attend PVSD and on the district’s Comprehensive Planning Committee as the parent rep and worked closely with Special Education component; 12 years of military service (Gulf War vet), eight years of welding trade experience and 21 years’ experience in education; associate degree from Northampton Community College; bachelor’s in industrial education from Temple University; a master’s in educational leadership from Temple University.
Challenges: It seems a common issue facing communities across the commonwealth is balancing our budgets to have the least impact on taxpayers, yet provide the best possible education for students. We need to ensure that school administrators are being fiscally responsible in their monetary planning/spending and as a school board member my primary goal is to collaborate with all stakeholders for budget plans that provide a balance of district spending and taxes for residence/businesses.