Mahoning Twp. buys Tasers for police
Mahoning Township police officers will eventually have an upgraded set of Tasers in their arsenal.
On a 3-0 measure, supervisors on Wednesday approved the purchase of seven Tasers for the police department in the amount of $19,815.
Township police Chief Audie Mertz told the board there would be a $1,982 cost in this year’s budget, for which funds are available in the police department’s budget this year.
Mertz said that in years two through five, it would cost the township $4,458.
Earlier this month, Mertz told the board the Tasers would be an upgrade over the current batch the police department has in its possession.
Mertz said at that time there would be a $2,174 cost in this year’s budget, and added funds were available in the police department’s budget this year.
From that point, Mertz said it would cost the township $4,891 each year in years two through five.
However, because the total cost came out to $21,737, board solicitor Tom Nanovic said at that time price quotes would have to be obtained.
Nanovic noted at that time that the total price eclipsed the $21,300 threshold set forth by the state Department of Labor & Industry.
Supervisor Robert Slaw asked Mertz at that time if he could guarantee that officers would utilize the Tasers.
Mertz said at that time they would, and added he’s looking for a total of seven units; six for full-timers and one for part-timers.
He said the department’s current batch of Tasers is from 2016.
Mertz said the proposal came with a 10% discount if the items were purchased by the end of this month.
In September, the board tabled the request for Tasers, though it did approve the purchase of a 2022 Ford F150 truck at a cost of about $50,000.
Township secretary Natalie Haggerty said the purchase of the truck would take place next year, and would need to be budgeted within the township’s general fund.
Also on Wednesday, supervisors agreed to spend $3,105 to replace two computer systems for the police department.