Re-elect Tyra Boni
Join with me to re-elect Tyra Boni, Clerk of Courts.
Tyra and team’s measurable accomplishments include collecting $1.83 million in restitution, fines and fees while disbursing $2.21 million to victims and taxpayers. This is testament to hard work, implementing best practices, and proven leadership. She wisely built upon the triage and hemorrhage stopping of her predecessor, and credit for that is duly recognized.
The accomplishments of the past 22 months are irrefutable. Data confirms success in advancing office effectiveness to the next level even while ill-effects of years of known and unchecked mismanagement continued to surface. Remarkably, Tyra’s successes occurred in spite of an environment that is best described as politically motivated hostility and obstructionism including: blocking a last-ditch effort, at no-cost to taxpayers, to collect otherwise uncollectable victim restitution from criminals, opposing her office reorganization, eliminating a position in collections contrary to her withdrawn motion; leaving the office understaffed and stonewalling inexpensive physical space improvements that would increase efficiency and safety. Politics are disappointingly alive and well and a detriment to all who expect high standards for county government.
I candidly state, there are few elected county officials’ campaigns for whom I would invest my time, money, effort, and most importantly, give my vote. She is that rare breed of elected official, voted in to do a job and actually raising the bar. Tyra is fitting of the highest compliment earned by annually evaluated soldiers in the Army, “I would fight to retain his/her service.” In word, and in deed, I’m out there, fighting against an ingrained establishment that fears higher standards, accountability, transparency and suffering from Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Tyra is the caliber of public servant we rightly deserve. Join me at the polls and re-elect a proven top performer, an uncommon breed of an elected official. Re-elect Tyra Boni.
Please note: While an ardent advocate and supporter of better government and Mrs. Boni, I am not legally, officially, or otherwise formally affiliated with her campaign.
Chris Lukasevich,
Carbon County Commissioner