Published October 23. 2021 07:20AM
Question - why were children elected to help run this country?
On both sides of the aisle, children not old enough, with no manners, and big mouths, were put in with older two-faced, spineless (so-called) adults.
All I hear is a bunch of people argue. When is this country going to get back to doing its job? It used to be after an election, both parties got behind the president and worked for the country. Country should be first, not party of any one person.
Anyone can be replaced. No matter what party is in charge, it’s time to get busy and improve this country. Why don’t we all get independent and use our brain instead of a party name?
Wake up, people! Help this country!
No one person, no matter who, is worth messing up what we have.
We all have the right to vote. Come out stronger than ever. Show them they can’t take it away!
I remain,
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski
Summit Hill