Nesquehoning Council reconsiders rates for handicap parking spaces
Nesquehoning Council is looking to lower the rates for handicap parking spots in the borough.
During the council's monthly meeting on Wednesday, Councilman Michael Sniscak Jr. asked if the borough collects fees for handicap parking spots because even though the person applies for the spot, any disabled person can park in the spot, causing problems because that person is not the one paying for it.RoniSue Ahner, borough secretary, said that currently, people pay $25 for the application and $100 for the annual maintenance.Sniscak said that he felt the annual fee was high and suggested it should be lower. He then suggested $50 for the application fee to cover the cost of sign and pole, as well as painting the lines; and $25 for the annual maintenance fee."We're not here to make money on this," he said. "All we want to do is cover our costs."He then made a motion to authorize the solicitor to draw up a new handicap ordinance lowering the fees. The motion passed, and a new ordinance will be drawn up and acted on at a later meeting.In other matters, council discussed the following items:• Mayor Sam Kitchko reported that for the month of February, the police received $3,537.67, reported to 449 incidents and drove 5,814 miles while on patrol.• Kitchko also reported that Officer Tim Wuttke responded to a receive incident involving a motorist striking a large bird with a vehicle. The bird, identified as a hawk, was alive and stuck in the front grille of the vehicle. Wuttke contacted residents who have experience with injured birds. The hawk is doing well.• A burn ban is now in effect in the borough because of dry conditions.• The borough Crime Watch is now called the Neighborhood Watch, Kitchko said, noting that the name change was because the group will be doing more than just looking for crime. The next meeting of the group is 7 p.m. April 8 at the borough hall.• A zoning hearing meeting for the Nesquehoning Grand Prix has been set for 6:30 p.m. March 31; Planning Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. April 9; and the Junior Recreation Committee will meet following the regular recreation committee meeting beginning at 7 p.m. on April 7.• Kitchko reported that he is working with the Anthracite Little League to resolve the issues the borough has experienced with baseballs denting police cars because of the close proximity between the Little League field and police station. He hopes for resolution before the season starts.• Council will discuss joining the Carbon County Council of Governments. Members said they think it is good thing and will further discuss it at April's council meeting.• Sniscak said that the borough owns a number of guns, bows and swords from a previous police case and asked for approval to get them appraised and set up a day to hold a sale for qualified dealers.• Council approved Police Chief Sean Smith's request to attend a two-week training from May 5 to 16, at a cost of $1,240.• Council will contact PPL to ask about replacing flagpoles in the borough. Nesquehoning Lions Club purchased the poles for the borough, and they will be put up wherever needed.The next Nesquehoning Council meeting is slated for 7 p.m. April 23 in the borough hall.