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On this date: Aug. 24, 1993

Richard Fink was installed last night as commander of American Legion Post 314, Lehighton, during ceremonies held in the post home.

The successor to Harry J. Wynn III, Fink was placed into his new role by installing officer Robert Moriarty.

Other officers are Mahlon Shaffer, first vice commander; Arthur Dietz, second vice commander; John Williams, adjutant; Lamar Semmel, finance officer; William Bayer, judge advocate; Keith Bashore, chaplain; William Newton, service officer; Steward Albouq, sergeant-at-arms; and Carol Greene, assistant sergeant-at-arms.

In other installations, Delores Semmel was seated as president of the ladies’ auxiliary, and Michael Novatnak was installed as commander of the Sons of the American Legion.