Weatherly talks vacancies as principal resigns
The Weatherly School Board discussed the upcoming vacancies in the district Wednesday night.
Secondary Principal Stuart Tripler will resign at the beginning of March."We would just like to thank Mr. Tripler for all his hard work. He will be missed but at least we get him for a few more months," said board President Girard Fewins.Also resigning will be part-time cafeteria aide Mary Hinkle. Stacey Titus, full-time instructional aide, retired at the beginning of the month. Gina Dinko will take family medical leave from her secondary Spanish teaching position beginning in early March.Nancy Ehrenfried has been appointed to replace Hinkle in the cafeteria at a rate of $10 an hour. Gerald Carter will fill the position of full-time maintenance mechanic at $13.74 an hour while Paul John Hadzick was appointed as full-time cleaning aide at a rate of $9.04 an hour.All appointments were approved by the board unanimously except for Hadzick. Board member Georgeann Herling voted against his appointment, with William Knepper abstaining from the vote.The substitute list also grew to include Johanna Dutton as an emergency permit instructional teacher, Elaine Carr as a cafeteria aide substitute and Alyssa Myers as a general substitute teacher.Board member Matthew vonFrisch had concerns regarding the athletic funds portion of the budget."We see what goes out, but not what comes in. Like ticket sales, it would be helpful for the budget," he said."I think we do 8,000 tickets. It is listed on the budget under admissions," said board secretary and CPA David Marsiglio."As we were discussing the gym floor repairs, it'd be helpful to know," said vonFrisch."The floor would come from the maintenance part of the budget," said Marsiglio."We used to get the floors refinished every year, we've fallen off that," said Corey Gerhart. "We are doubling the amount of games here.""Why can't we close it down, not the whole gym, just the weight room," said Amy Potsko, board vice president."I know they've cut out sections and replaced them before. Let me talk to Mr. Warner and get it looked at," said Superintendent Thomas McLaughlin.Parking during the games has also been an issue, according to vonFrisch. Signage in the nonparking areas needs to be posted."We need to make sure people park where they are supposed to, during games especially. It's a safety hazard.""Over at the high school people are parking on both sides of the fire lane," said Fewins. "If something happens, we can't get an ambulance in.""That's our concern. Something happens, now people have to be tracked down to move cars," said vonFrisch.Elementary and middle school Principal Sandra Slavic suggested that police be called and fines issued.Gerhart told the board of a need for a new PA system in the gym."We are trying to get donations for a new one."He said the estimated cost could be upward of $16,900."Get a quote together and we can have Dave look into it," said Potsko."We tried working with the Booster Club but once we found out the cost we decided to look at getting help," said Gerhart.