Published August 05. 2021 10:28AM
Tamaqua Night Out is set for Thursday evening. There are plenty of activities to choose from in downtown Tamaqua.
Toolshed Jack will be playing a free concert on the train station platform for entertainment.
Enjoy a round-trip train ride to the Reading Outer Station on the Reading and Northern Railroad via Tamaqua’s new passenger platform at a $24 cost.
The Tamaqua Historical Society Museum and the 1848 Hegarty Blacksmith Shop will both be open for free tours from 5-8 p.m. Additionally, there will be guided tours of Odd Fellows Cemetery every 15 minutes, beginning at the lodge hall at the cemetery, from 5:30-8 p.m.
The Tamaqua Community Arts Center will host an artist meet-and-greet with Heather Butler from 6-8 p.m.
Meet Dr. Joanne Calabrese, DO, at the gazebo in front of the train station for “Walk with a Doc,” for a brief health discussion and a one mile walk through downtown Tamaqua at 5:30 p.m.
Tink’s Antiques and the Five Points Mill will be open from 5-8 p.m.
Padora’s Italian Bakery will also be open this evening as well - stop by for a loaf of their famous bread and see the 100-plus year-old brick oven.
Gimbel Farms food truck will be joining the fun near the railroad station.