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Sacred Heart Church news

Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton will celebrate weekend Masses today at 5 p.m. and Sunday, at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday’s Mass will be live streamed on the Parish facebook page.

Please note: Most COVID restrictions in the Diocese have been lifted except for sharing the Cup during the Eucharist and offering the sign of Peace. Please Note: The Bishops of PA have removed the dispensation for non-attendance at Mass effective Aug.15. All Catholics, without a significant reason, are obliged to Sunday worship. We look forward to having all our parish families return.

This week we celebrate the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Old Testament Reading reminds us how God provided manna in the desert to feed the Israelites. The New Testament Reading from John reminds us Jesus proclaims Himself as the very bread of life and continues to nourish us to this day in the Eucharist.

Parish reports

Parish, school and cemetery fiscal year reports ending June 30, have all been submitted to the Diocese. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, all reports finished in the black and we thank all for their stewardship.

Last week’s Christmas in July Raffle was a success-profiting the parish $4,680. Winners are: Stephanie Favale, $1,000, Richard Frey, $500 and Stan Zabo $250. Thank you to all who purchased tickets for this fundraiser.

The next fundraiser will be the haluski stand at the Palmerton Festival in September.

Help is needed on Aug. 18 and 19 beginning at 9 a.m. to start with preparations. To help please call Carol Eckert at: 610-824-4590.

A Second Collection will be taken this weekend to assist with parish improvements and repairs that are currently underway this summer. Next weekend a second collection will be taken to support the missionary work in India.

St. John Neumann

St. John Neumann is accepting registrations for the 2021-22 School year. For more information,

call the School Office at: 610-826-2354. School will open for the 2021-22 school year on

Aug. 30.

Nancy Matsko, director of religious education, will speak at all Masses the weekend of

Aug. 7-8 to introduce herself to the parish and offer some ideas for the upcoming year.

Father Bill continues to ask for prayers, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek whose cause for canonization to Sainthood is under study, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.