West End news for July 21, 2021
Diamond reunion
The Pleasant Valley Class of ’61, the first class to graduate from the then-new high school in Brodheadsville, combining Chestnuthill and Polk high schools, is holding its 60th anniversary reunion of the class’s graduation celebration in August at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort, beginning at 4 p.m.
Reservations and payment for dinner need to be to class member Roger Simpson by July 30.
He can be reached at 112 Rosemont Ave., Norristown, PA 19401 and also at his cell at 610-724-3583.
Class president John R. Hinton will offer the welcome.
Free kids’ meals
The PVEN continues its free Kids’ Summer meals program through Aug. 20 at the Western Pocono Community Library every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for all children under 18 and 21 if developmentally disabled, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
No registration or proof of residency is required.
Meals are pre-packaged in Grab-n-Go bags with meals for two days: 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches.
Participants should follow signs in parking lot, and stay in one’s car.
Children do not have to be present in the car when meals are picked up.
Bingo Monday
American Legion Post 927 has its Monday Night Bingo open to the community. Card sales begin at 6:30 p.m. and the calling at 7 p.m.
Monthly meeting
The West End Home Association will hold its monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Legion Post Home in Gilbert.
All Post 927 members are welcome to attend.
Bog walks
Every Wednesday through August the bog walks, hosted by the Monroe County Conservation District, continue from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Tannersville Cranberry Bog.
The 2½ hour guided journey in and through the bog is guided by an Environmental Educator.
Participants will learn about the bog’s formation, its interesting plant and animal life, and more.
Pre-registration is required and are limited. Call 570-629-3061 for more information and to register. Masks must be worn. There is a minimal cost.
Library celebration
The Western Pocono Community Library, Brodheadsville, is celebrating Harry Potter’s birthday from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday with a costume party. Costumes are optional, however.
Ross Township meets
The Board for Supervisors for Ross Township meets the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at the township municipal building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg.
Audio conference is also available the night of the meeting by calling 978-990-5000 Access Code 873283.
Prayer Shawl work
Effort UMC’s Prayer Shawl ministry will meet Tuesday at 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to continue their works of caring that have been spread around the country and even the world.
The group meets in the former Day Care Kitchen so all the needle plyers can be appropriately socially distanced to keep everyone safe.
Help needed
The PVEN is asking for community support in helping student s go back to school well prepared. Needed are such items as: backpacks, uniforms, sneakers, socks, underwear, personal care items such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, body wash. School supply ideas are: pencils, pens, crayons, highlighters, erasers, three ring binders, and notebooks.
All items can be dropped off at PVEN on Route 209 in Sciota.
Chestnuthill meets
The Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors is slated to meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the township’s municipal building on Route 715.
Vaccinations given
The Pleasant Valley School District has set up a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for students and community for students age 12+ who attended PV Cyber Academy or outside cyber charter schools during the 2020-2021 school year.
The first Pfizer vaccination will be given Aug. 5, and the second Thursday, Aug. 26, at the Pleasant Valley Middle School cafeteria on Route 115 in Brodheadsville.
To make an appointment call 570-402-1000. ext. 8310 or 8308.
OES meeting
The Order of the Eastern Star will meet at 7 p.m. Aug. 5, at the Rimrock Masonic Center with a social hour and refreshments following the meeting.
Middlecreek Christian Church has announced that FUSION is back, coming Aug. 7 and beginning at 2 p.m. FUSION is a day of free music, food, and ministry, all free.
The entire day is free, including all entertainment, food and beverages.
To help with costs, love offerings will be accepted any time during the event. The event is held outdoors with music throughout the day, times to unite in prayer, dinner, and a conclusion of the day with a movie and campfire Bible study.
And on Aug. 8, there is a closing service starting at 10:30 a.m., also being held outdoors.
For more information contact Middlecreek Christian Church at 570-629-4066 or www.middlecreekchurch.org or follow Middlecreek on Facebook and Twitter @Fusion_Weekend.
Saturday service
Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville has announced the commencement of its Saturday service at 5 p.m. for Aug. 7.
Sunday worship times are at 8 and 10:30 a.m. with a ZOOM option for the 8 a.m. service and a livestreamed Facebook option for the 10:30 a.m. service. A simple prerecorded Facebook service is also available each week.
Communion service
McMichaels UMC will offer Communion at this coming Sunday’s 9:30 a.m. service. All are welcome to come and receive it.
Pastor welcomed
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, Saylorsburg welcomes the Rev. Zabdiel Khan as its new pastor. The church invites folks to join the congregation in person for worship services at 10 a.m. or via Facebook Live: www.Facebook.com/stpeterssaylorsburg/live.
Anticipated by the congregation is a visit by the multi-talented Mitchell Hourt of Palmerton into the sanctuary to provide special music on Aug.8. A music major at Moravian University, Mitchell plays trombone, piano, organ, accordion.
Those who come can stay for a light refreshment coffee hour.
Breakfast announced
Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 839 (EAA 839) invites the public to its final summer pancake breakfast, Aug. 15. The pilots of EAA 839 offer: piles of pancakes, stacks of sausage, overflowing cups of orange juice or coffee. The buffet breakfast will be served rain or shine under the striped tent, beginning at 9 a.m. and continuing until 1 p.m.
The event will be held at Pegasus Airpark, 222 Hickory Lane, Sciota (turn off Rt. 209 at Miller’s Flower Shop by Kate). One can admire beautiful & vintage private aircraft and watch for unexpected surprises while dining there.
The event includes free Young Eagle flights. Airplane rides for youth ages 8-17 will be available, weather permitting.
For additional information, see the Chapter website: www.eaa839.com.
Mad Science
Mad Science, an independent group, will be hosting a free Up, Up and Away event from 11 a.m. to noon for the community at Chestnuthill Park on Aug. 21, on the amazing things involving air pressure.
Golf tournament set
Monroe County Habitat for Humanity has announced its golf tournament for 2021. It will be held Friday, Sept. 24 at Great Bear Golf Club, beginning at 11:30 a.m. with registration.
For more information or to register visit www.habitatmc.org/golf-2021 or call 570-2216-4390.
Fall clean up
Eldred Township is seeking volunteers to help clean up its roadways as is the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau for its next regionwide litter pickup day from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Sept. 25, rain or shine.
Eldred is hosting its cleanup event near the same date. Residents are asked to let the township office know if he or she has signed up with the county so that the township can provide adequate supplies for each volunteer and give instruction for the day.
If anyone would like to request a road that needs attention, let Ann Velopolcek know in the Eldred office.
Anyone is permitted to clean up his/her own road or gather with a group to do one which will be chosen by the Supervisors.
Eldred’s Clean-up Days’ dates and times will be announced soon.
Anyone interested in helping with PickUpThePoconos campaign can sign up at PickUpThePoconos.com. The deadline to register is Sept. 20, by 5 p.m.
This is the group’s for participating in this countywide event and it has been very successful. It is hoped folks will notice the difference.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net; or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.