Published May 20. 2013 05:04PM
A meeting of the Lehighton 9/12 Project will be held Thursday at the Mahoning Valley Ambulance Building.
The meeting will beging at 7 p.m., with dinner available at 5 p.m.The main speaker will be Katy Abram of Americans for Prosperity's, who will present an in-depth look at Common Core Standards, a socialistic infiltration of our schools.Sandy Dellicker, president of the Lehighton 9/12 Project, said specifically Abram will talk about What you need to know about Common Core school standardsand how our children will be dumbed down and indoctrinated tobecome slaves to the government.She said this is an important meeting for school directors and school teachers.To make reservations, especially for the dinner, contact Dellicker at 570-645-8510.