Speeding a problem at Eagles' Nest Park
Kim Hoffman, who runs the summer program at Eagles' Nest, asked Washington Township supervisors' at their Oct. 4 meeting to add a speed bump "before someone gets hurt." She said it is difficult to watch both the kids and traffic.
The bump should be near the crosswalk, and the stone road to the ballfields should be blocked with a chain or gate. Older people come to play basketball and fly through there. There should be a "no vehicles beyond this point" sign placed, said Hoffman.Supervisor Josh Friebolin said it is something they will look into because he has seen a lot of the speeding himself.Harry Orkin of Orkin Steel, Slatington, said he owns about two acres in Washington Township that is unbuildable for a residence that it is zoned for. He would like the zoning changed to industrial to match his properties in Slatington.He said it is a long, narrow strip with a sharp dropoff and no possible access except through his property. There are no utilities.If he needs a survey he agreed to obtain it.Solicitor John Ashley said if that property is industrial and the township changes it by variance anything Orkin wants to do would require a variance."It's highly unlikely I would want to do anything with the land," said Orkin.Ashley said the township would have to get a list of expenses and see if Orkin wants to go ahead.A resolution for a preliminary land development for Living Stone Christian Conference Center was tabled. That is the development by Antioch Church of Philadelphia at the former White Christmas tree farm.The bid for gas, diesel and heating oil went to Atlantic Coast.Lehigh Asphalt had the low bid of $53,200 for stone and aggregate but the bid went to Eastern Industries for $56,656 because the difference will be more than made up for in hauling costs. Lehigh Asphalt is more than the twice the distance from Washington.The multi-municipal salt bid that covers eight municipalities went to Cargill at a total cost of $214,209 pending verification of the numbers.Resident Ed Ziegler asked if the community center was being considered in the 2012 budget. He said he sold them the land 10 years ago and it still has not gone forward.The Hanna junk yard has had problems with stormwater. The township called the Lehigh County Conservation District. That decision was made at the Sept. 6 workshop meeting and was in the minutes approved Oct. 4.