Published July 23. 2021 02:45PM
The Carbon County Planning Commission made the following recommendations Tuesday:
• Anthony and Connie Rehrig received conditional plan approval for a proposed lot line revision at previously approved Valley View Acres in Towamensing Township. The plan calls for combining five lots into a 4.0919-acre lot.
• Joanne M. Klitsch received plan approval for a proposed subdivision and lot line revision at 606 Main St., Jim Thorpe. The plans call for subdividing a 1.487-acre lot into two lots and taking the new 0.055-acre lot and adding it to two additional lots to create a new 1.118-acre lot.
• The Carbon County Lions/Lioness Fair Association Inc. received plan approval for a proposed subdivision in Lower Towamensing Township.
• W&W Holdings/Lehighton Sewage Authority received plan approval for a proposed minor subdivision/lot consolidation at 255 Bankway St., Lehighton. The plans call for creating a 0.551-acre lot.