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Pa. students advance in banking competition

Pennsylvania Secretary of Banking and Securities Richard Vague commended the five student teams from four Pennsylvania colleges and universities moving on to the second round in the 2021 Conference of State Banking Supervisors Community Bank Case Study Competition.

“The past year and a half has been unlike any other, including for the financial services sector,” Vague said. “These case studies help tell the stories of how community banks responded to the multitude of challenges in 2020, and how they will continue to address the banking and civic needs of communities across our commonwealth.”

Teams from the following Pennsylvania colleges and universities moved to the second round of the competition:

• Kutztown University, Team 2 and Team 3 working with Fleetwood Bank and The Neffs National Bank, respectively

• Mansfield University working with Citizens & Northern Bank

• Messiah University working with LINKBANK

• Rosemont College, Team 1 working with Asian Bank

These teams join nine other college team finalists. The top three scoring teams will be announced in July. For more information on the 2021 Community Bank Case Study Competition, visit www.csbs.org/bankcasestudy.

Anyone can contact the Department of Banking and Securities at 1-800-PA-BANKS. Members of the public are also invited to connect to the department through Facebook and Twitter or subscribing to the department’s newsletter.