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Several issues holding up solar field project

The Summit Hill Water Authority met on Tuesday to discuss several items of business including the outstanding issues associated with the solar field project. The authority accepted a preliminary status report which they reviewed cursorily with authority engineer Mike Tirpak who just received it prior to the meeting.

"The job has not been closed out yet," said Tirpak during the meeting. According to Chairperson Louis Alexander the field is operational but there are some technicalities preventing the project from being closed at this time. At a meeting earlier in the season, it was mentioned that authority solicitor Joe Velitsky was speaking with counsel for Miller Brothers trying to negotiate a settlement for the balance payment for the project which was several months overdue being completed.Officials would not provide details as to the nature of the issues holding up the project but said they would be mentioned in the future.In other business, the board agreed 4-0 with Vice Chairman Robert Collevechio absent to approve a quote for $3200 to service the valves at the pump house by Hillegass of Holland, PA. The board also approved a $2979 invoice for Carbon Engineering for overseeing projects and other work. They also approved the purchase of a battery backup for the physical plant. It was also decided on a 4-0 vote to move $20,000 to a Money Market account from the checking account.The next meeting will be October 16, 2012 at 7PM at the borough building.