Community garden takes root
Karena Thek, director of the West End Food Pantry in Eldred Township, is always thinking of introducing nutrition to the community and the families the food pantry serves.
“I know there was a garden behind the school, at one time, I think it was in 2004, but it has been grown over for years,” she said.
The overgrown garden is right next to the playground, and Thek said she got to thinking how nice it would be to clean up the area and put in a new garden. The West End Community Garden now replaces the overgrown plot.
“It looks so much nicer now than when it was just a bunch of sticker bushes. This is a great way to learn about gardening and how to grow fresh vegetables instead of buying grocery store produce,” Thek said.
Unusual Design
“Several small gardens are incorporated into the community garden, making the design unique. Each separate garden focuses on vegetables or flowers,” said Jim Scocozza, who works for Chestnut Hill Nursery.
“We were so fortunate to have Jim to design the garden and help with the planting of the garden,” she said.
The plot holds four theme gardens that should really keep the kids’ interested, according to Thek.
Since the original garden included a butterfly garden, the volunteers thought it would be nice to restore the spot where the original butterfly garden grew.
The second garden is named All Things That Stay Green and will include andromeda, coast leucothoe, and helleri holly. The next garden is dubbed the Pizza Garden, and it is sure to be a favorite with all.
“We are planting tomatoes, peppers, basil and oregano. All the things you need when you make a pizza.”
Flowering Fairies, the fourth garden, is sure to appeal to all ages, especially if you are a fan of fairies.
Plants such as rose of Sharon and abelia and perennials, coreopsis, gaillardia, rudbeckia, nepeta, Stella d’Oro day lily, and lavender are sure to intrigue visitors.
If you would like to volunteer to help in the Eldred Community Garden or purchase one of the plants listed in the garden layout, call or text Thek at 570-730-6055.