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Monroe sets accounts for funds

Monroe County Commissioners approved an agreement with Zekenkokske Axelrod LLC, to perform consulting services and technical assistance for the American Rescue Plan Act funding.

The company will not exceed $65,000 for the consulting services and technical assistance.

This week the treasurer received approval to open three bank accounts: First Keystone Bank for Series 2021 Capitalized Interest; ESSA Bank for borough improvements and First Keystone Bank for the American Recovery Plan.

As Pennsylvania opens up and returns to work, the commissioners executed a WIOA financial loan agreement with Career Link for employment and training as well as related administrative services, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, for $2,080,229 to deliver employment and training services in Monroe County.

Other business

A motion was made to approve travel requests. During the pandemic, travel requests were rare, but this week the commissioners received requests from Adult Probation, Area Agency on Aging, Assessment, Conservation District, Juvenile Probation, and Veteran’s Affairs.

“I would like to comment that the number of agencies or departments traveling seems to be an indication Pennsylvania is opening up from the COVID,” Commissioner John Moyer said.

• A service agreement with Access Services from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, was executed with a contract maximum of $100,000.

• Chairman Sharon Laverdure commented on the number of Eagle Scout proclamations and certificates passed by the commissioners. Laverdure congratulated Jonathon Christopher Smith on his Eagle Scout award.