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UGI replacing lines on Mauch Chunk Road

A pipeline replacement will shut down a stretch of Mauch Chunk Road for the next five to six weeks.

Linde Construction will handle the replacement of sections of cast-iron or bear steel main lines for UGI Central Penn Gas between Tunnel Street in Palmerton and White Street in Bowmanstown.

Work began on Thursday.

“We started the project today, with 2,000 feet of 8-inch steel,” Kevin Lynn of Linde Construction said.

UGI Central Penn Gas originally planned to begin the project on the western end of the road last week.

Local traffic will have access as far as 1532 Mauch Chunk Road, though through traffic to Bowmanstown will be closed from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Overnight closures are not expected.

UGI manager of media relations Joseph Swope said that the work is part of a larger infrastructure replacement program.

“We’re in the process of replacing all of our non-contemporary mains,” Swope said.

The new mains may even help with an increasing customer base in the area, Swope said.

A supply of 8-inch steel main lines intended to replace the current natural gas lines between Palmerton and Bowmanstown sit in a lot in the 1400 block of Mauch Chunk Road. BRIAN W. MYSZKOWSKI/TIMES NEWS